Sunday, February 1, 2009

Turns out He's Worse Then Me

We went to Portrait Innovations on Saturday. We never really got Christmas pictures this year or sent out cards so I decided to do V day pictures instead. Mostly bc Emily has a super cool new pettiskirt but also bc I wanted some nice pics of the two kids together. Well really one pic of the 2 kids together. So what happened? The kids both did really well and I had Neil with me so we ended up with the special plus 4 more poses. See usually I eliminate some of the ones that I really like bc we don't need them but with the promise of going for bbq my darling husband was ready to go and decided that we should just get the ones we liked. I am pleased but I have no idea what I'm going to do with all of them so hey if you want a picture of my kids (and know of of course) let me know I've got lots. They are adorable though don't you think?

1 comment:

Angela said...

Beca will be jealous of Emily's skirt but she'd love some picts for her fridge.