So I've probably got about a dozen decent blog entries with cool titles floating around in my head but alas if we wait for me to do that well it will never happen so here's a whole string of tiny ones.
1) Really you picked pea? So Emily is eating some baby food now. She cringed at applesauce and bananas, tolerated sweat potatoes but only mixed into cereal so we tried peas. You guessed it she loves them. Umm what ever freaky baby who wouldn't let me eat sugar for 8 out of 9 months. You have weird taste but maybe it will make you skinny.
2) What a Dorky name for something so great. So Neil and I took a parenting class at church all about being Emotion Coaches. Yes you read that right we are being emotion coaches. It really is a great concept though. Its all about trying to relate to you children's feelings and help them through it without a struggle. We even bought the book. Parents Children and Power struggles and guess what. It really works and helps everyone keep their cool. As an added bonus we have only had a few time outs and no dragging a screaming 5yo to his room.
3) I think the 30s have kicked in. Not in a bad way exactly but I've notices some disturbing things lately. Exhibit A is that I bought a Lands End scort from Sears recently and think it looks great on. The waist even comes up to my navel. Exhibit B are the shoes I bought today. They are supper comfy leather sandals similar to the ones my mom loves. Add to these that no one has made a strange comment about me having kids lately. Oh well I guess this will be a good decade even if I'm dressing more like an adult.
4) I swear we were outside as a family today and I felt like I was in a weird episode of The Wounder Years. Everything was normal except that Elijah was on a skateboard and not a bike. There was my husband loveingly running alongside his son on a skateboard.
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