Friday, February 12, 2010

Bits of Sewing

I'm testing a pattern for Dawn at Olabathe (check the side bar) this is the bow on the back of my first attempt. Its really a pretty dress and Emily would not take it off. I've got another version cut out and hope to get it made tomorrow.

Valentines for the kids. Emily always says "I love you too." even if she is not responding to someone. Elijah gets mad at me if I use any cute little names for him and tells me to call him Elijah.

The embelishment I put on a shirt I made to go with some pants from Angela. Funny that I've crossed a lone where when I end up with a pair of pants I like but nothing to go with them I think "I should order some fabric" instead of "I should go buy a shirt."

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

LOL! I'm the same way. I have so much fabric that it's hard for me to think of clothes shopping when I could just make something.